Isn't Everything About Me? Who The Hell Did You Think It Was About, You?

Friday, June 29, 2012

Growing up...

My 15 year old daughter walked in to my room last night and said, "Mom, I think I've changed. I realize that I like you and I don't mind being around you anymore."

okaaaay.... "That's great," I responded. "What caused this change?"

"Well, I think I didn't like you while I was in middle school because I was immature and trying to be cool. But now that I am going in to high school, I'm much more mature. But mom, I have bad news for you."

"This all sounds pretty good to me. What could be bad?" I asked.

"Well, you have 3 more years of  'bad' coming your way."

"How do you figure that?"

"Because Sam (little brother) is going in to middle school and you know he is gonna be a terd."

I hear a loud screech from inside the house. I hear him saying something about "it's not fair," and I try to tune him out. I realize my son is having a hormone induced melt down in the back of the house. 

"Yeah, he is definitely going to be a terd," I said.

It's going to be a long 3 years...


  1. Ha ha... good to know I'll get my daughter back in 4 years, lol... Been through the boy thing from 13-18 was hell! Good Luck!

  2. new follower - came on over from Jenn's blog recommendation. Also because I am a middle aged gal too. No I take that back - according to AARP I am a senior. But I consider myself a middle aged senior.

    I had 3 teen boys once - I lived through it. They were not that bad - its when they got older!

  3. Hi there - I'm back, this time with an award. The Sunshine loggers Award. Read my post for the link details and all. Keep up the good work!

  4. I think I'll live in denial. My boy is going to be great.....(repeat manically to self)
