Isn't Everything About Me? Who The Hell Did You Think It Was About, You?

Friday, June 1, 2012

Life Is Too Short...

I have a really bad habit of putting other people's needs above my own. I am pretty sure I didn't do this before I had children or before I was married. I'm not married anymore, but still have the kids living with me. When I had a boyfriend, I put his needs in front of mine too. It completely annoys me when I do this.

Everyday is a struggle to make sure I stay in balance and choose to do nice things for myself. It isn't that I don't take care of myself, because I do. It's just at the end of the day, I come last and if I am out of time in the day and didn't get to myself, I am out of luck.

Life is too short to continue this habit. Tomorrow is another day. I know I will do better then.

Sad But True Life Of A Middle Aged Woman


  1. I think it's a woman thing... the obsessive need to care for someone else. It makes us better. Putting others before ourselves... Still would be nice to put ourselves first for once :)

  2. It's a tough habit to break, and I struggle daily with it. I enjoy helping other - most of the time. I'm 31 years old, my boyfriend of 7 years just moved out of our home last week without warning, a note or a phone call in 7 days. I feel like I put his needs before my own for so long that it just became expected of me. When I cut back, started going to the gym and taking care of myself, he started to resent me. I just try to remember that when I stop taking care of myself, I stop growing and learning and being me. That's boring.
