Isn't Everything About Me? Who The Hell Did You Think It Was About, You?

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Middle Aged Woman...

When she has hot flashes she doesn’t sweat…she glistens.

She can stop her teenagers in their tracks with just one look.

Her bra size is astronomical due to Menopausal Boob Syndrome.

Her obsession with hot guys without shirts is excessive…but necessary.

If anyone messes with her kids she will take them down in an instant…while wearing heels. 

Her car is strewn with to-go cups and stray pieces of homework. 

She hides chocolate for emergencies…don’t even think of touching it.

The “worry” lines in her forehead are there for a reason…botox be damned.

She has learned that, indeed, her mother was right.

She can diagnose the causes of a mal-performing car just as well as she can diagnose her kids’ illnesses.

Her multi-tasking talents are off the chain.

She can’t believe she can still get pimples.

Sexy to her is watching a man fold the laundry, cleaning the house, or washing the dishes.

Who is she? 

She is The Most Interesting Person in the World – The Middle Aged Woman.


  1. Love it!!!! I still can't believe that I'm that woman, but I am & this is a beautiful tribute to all of us... well seasoned, fabulous women. :)
